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IBM 000-8697 Change Shared-Memory Residency, Switch the Logical Log File

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7-68 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

Change Shared-Memory Residency

Change Shared-Memory Residency
Any change you make using tbmode remains in effect until OnLine shared
memoryis reinitialized. To change the forced-residencysetting in the OnLine
configurationfile, you must either edit the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$TBCONFIG
fileor use the DB-Monitor Parameters menu, Shared Memory option. Refer to
page 3-100 for more information.
Switch the Logical Log File
The only way to switch the logical log file is withtbmode. There is no
DB-Monitor equivalent. Refer to page 3-39 for more information about the
conditions under which it is appropriate for you to switch logical log files.
-n immediatelyends forced residency of OnLine shared memory
for this session without affecting the value ofRESIDENT, the
forced-memory parameter in the configuration file.
-r immediately begins forced residency of OnLine shared mem-
ory for this session without affecting the value ofRESIDENT,
the forced-memory parameter in the configuration file.
-l switches the current logical log file to the next logical log file.
Change Shared-
Memory Residency
Switch the
Logical Log File

