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IBM 000-8697 Log-Record Display Filters

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Log-Record Display Filters

Log-Record Display Filters
You can combine options with any other options to produce more selective
Forexample, if you use both -u and -x options, only the activities initiated by
username during the specified transaction are displayed.
Ifyou use both the -u and -t options, only the activities initiated by username
and associated with the specified tblspace are displayed.
-l directstblog to display the long listing of the logical log
record, both heading and associated data.
num directstblog to display only records associated with the
specified tblspace. The tbspace number can be specified as
eithera decimal or hexadecimal value. (If you do not use an 0x
prefix, the value is interpreted as a decimal.)
-u username directstblog to display only records associated with activity
initiated by the specified user.
num directstblog to display only records associated with the
specified transaction. The transaction number must be a
decimal value. (Refer totbstat -u.)
Display Filters
-t tblspace num
-u username
-x transaction num

