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IBM 000-8697 -cr Option, -n Option

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Utilities 7-41
Option Descriptions
If inconsistencies are detected and OnLine is in quiescent mode, you are
promptedfor confirmation to repair the problem index. If you specify the -y
(yes) option, indexes are automatically repaired. If you specify the -n (no)
option, only the problem is reported. No prompting occurs.
Index rebuilding can be time-consuming if you usetbcheck. Processing is
usuallyfaster if you use the DROP INDEX and CREATE INDEX SQL statements
to drop the index and re-create it.
The-cI option performs the same checks as -ci but extends the consistency
checking to include the rowids associated with the key values. The same -ci
repair options are available with-cI.
tbcheck -cI -n stores5:customer
-cr Option
The -cr option checks each of the root dbspace reserved pages as follows:
It validates the contents of the$INFORMIXDIR /etc/$TBCONFIG file
with the PAGE_CONFIG reserved page.
Itensures that all chunks can be opened, that chunks do not overlap,
and that chunk sizes are correct.
It checks all logical and physical log pages for consistency.
If you have changed the value of a configuration parameter (either through
DB-Monitor or by editing the configuration file) and you have not yet reini-
tializedshared memory, tbcheck -cr detects the inconsistency and returns an
error message.
Referto page 2-95for a complete list of the root dbspace reserved pages. (The
-pr option performs the same checks and also displays the reserved-page
information as it checks the reserved pages.)
tbcheck -cr
-n Option
The-n option is used with the index repair options (-ci,-cI,-pk,-pK,-pl, and
-pL) to indicate that no repair should be performed, even if errors are

