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IBM 000-8697 Option Descriptions

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Utilities 7-39
Option Descriptions
Option Descriptions
You cannot combinetbcheck option flags except as described in the
paragraphs that follow.

No Options

If you invoketbcheck without any options, a summary of options displays.

-cc Option

The -cc option checks each of the system catalog tables for the specified
database.If the database is omitted, all system catalog tables for all databases
arechecked. Before you execute tbcheck, execute the SQL statement UPDATE
STATISTICS to ensure that an accurate check occurs.
chunk num is a decimal value that specifies a chunk. Execute the -pe
option to learn which chunk numbers are associated with
specific dbspaces or blobspaces.
database isthe name of the database. The database name cannot include
a database server name because tbcheck does not support a
client/server environment.
logical page
num is a decimal value that specifies a page in the tblspace. The
logicalpage number is contained in the most-significant three
bytes of the rowid. Rowid is displayed as part of tbcheck -pD
rowid is a hexadecimal value that must include the 0x identifier.
Rowid is displayed as part of tbcheck -pD output.
table name is the name of the table. The table name cannot include a
database server name because tbcheck does not support a
client/server environment.
tblspace num is a hexadecimal value that identifies the tblspace. Refer to
page 2-104 for more details about obtaining the tblspace

