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IBM 000-8697 Include Privileges

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7-34 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

Include Privileges

Include Privileges
Ifyou specify all for user,dbschema outputs GRANT statements for all users
for the database, table, or view specified.
In thedbschema output, the AS keyword indicates the grantor of aGRANT
statement. The following example output indicates thatnorma issued the
GRANT statement:
GRANT ALL ON "tom".customer TO "claire" AS "norma"
When the GRANT andAS keywords appear in thedbschema output, you
might need to grant privileges before you run thedbschema output as an
SQL script. Referring to the previous example output line, the following
conditions must be true before you can run the statement as part of a script:
norma must have Connect privilege to the database.
norma must have all privileges WITHGRANTOPTION for the table
Formore information about the GRANT statement, refer to IBM Informix Guide
toSQL: Reference.
-p user directsdbschema to output the GRANT statements that grant
privileges touser.

