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IBM 000-8697 -pB Option, -pc Option, -pd and -pD Options

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7-42 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Option Descriptions
-pB Option
The -pB option displays statistics that describe the average fullness of
blobspace blobpages in a specified table. These statistics provide a measure
ofstorage efficiency for individual blobs in a database or table. If a table is not
specified,statistics are displayed for the database. Refer to page 5-5 for more
details about interpretingtbcheck -pB output.
tbcheck -pB stores5:catalog
-pc Option
The -pc option performs the same checks as the-cc option. In addition, -pc
displays the system catalog information as it checks it, including extent use
for each table. Refer to the-cc discussion on page 7-39.
tbcheck -pc
-pd and -pD Options
The -pd option can take a database, a table, and a specific rowid or logical
pagenumber as input. In every case, -pd prints page header information and
displays the specified rows in hexadecimal andASCII format. No checks for
consistency are performed. If you specify a rowid (expressed as a
hexadecimal value), the page number contained in the rowid is printed.
(Referto page 2-123for more details about the rowid.) If you specify a logical
page number (expressed as a decimal), the contents of that page are printed
ifthe page is a home page. If you specify a table, all the rows in the table are
printed, with their rowids. If you specify a database, all the rows in the
databaseare printed. Blob descriptors stored in the data row are printed but
blob data itself is not.
The-pD option prints the same information as -pd. In addition, -pD prints
blobvalues stored in the tblspace or blob header information for blobs stored
in a blobspace blobpage. For more details about how to use this output to
monitor disk pages, refer topage 3-77.
tbcheck -pd stores5:systables
tbcheck -pd stores5:systables 5
tbcheck -pD stores5:customer 0x101

