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IBM 000-8697 tbtape: Logging, Archives, and Restore

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7-102 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide

tbtape: Logging, Archives, and Restore

-z Option

Use the-z option to set the profile counts to 0.
If you use the -z option to reset and monitor the count of some fields, be
aware that profile counts are incremented for all activity that occurs in any
database that the OnLine database server manages. Any user can reset the
profile counts and thus interfere with monitoring that another user is
tbtape: Logging, Archives, and Restore
Use thetbtape utility to perform any of the following tasks:
Request a logical log backup
Initiate continuous backup of logical log files
Create an archive
Perform a data restore
Change database logging status
You must be logged in as root or userinformix to execute tbtape.

