open setting - A setting assigned to a service port or library category when creating a rule, or when setting up a filtering profile or the minimum filtering level. If an item is given an open (pass) setting, users will have access to it.

override account - An account created by the global group administrator or the group administrator to give an autho- rized user the ability to access Internet content blocked at the global level or the group level.

PDC - A Primary Domain Controller functions as the authen- tication server on a Windows NT domain. This server main- tains the master copy of the directory database used for vali- dating users.

peer-to-peer- P2P involves communication between computing devices—desktops, servers, and other smart devices—that are linked directly to each other. Using this feature of the ProxyBlocker, groups and/or individual client machines can be set up to block the use of P2P services specified in the library category.

profile string - The string of characters that define a filtering profile. A profile string can consist of the following components: category codes, service port numbers, and redirect URL.

protocol - A type of format for transmitting data between two devices. LDAP and SMB are types of authentication method protocols.

proxy server - An appliance or software that accesses the Internet for the user’s client PC. When a client PC submits a request for a Web page, the proxy server accesses the page from the Internet and sends it to the client. A proxy server may be used for security reasons or in conjunciton with caching for bandwidth and performance reasons.

quota - The number of minutes configured for a passed library category in an end user’s profile that lets him/her



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