Getting Started
Document OverviewHow to Use This Document
To use this document, first scan this chapter for an over v i ew of this
Next read Chapter 2, Introducing ATM Networking, for a description
of ATM and how the ANA-5910/5930/5940 adapters fit into an
ATM network.
Then follow the instructions in Chapter 3, Installing the Adapter, for
installing the adapter and connecting ATM UTP/STP or MMF.
After you install the hardware, install and configure the ATM
software for the operating system you are running, as follows:
Chapter 4, Installing ATM Version 4.0x Software for Windows NT.
Chapter 5, Installing ATM Version 2.0x Drivers for Windows NT.
Chapter 6, Installing ATM Software for DOS/Windows 3.1.
Chapter 7, Installing ATM Software for Windows 95.
Chapter 8, Installing ATM Software for Novell NetWare
For specifications on environment, cables, or the PCI-bus interface,
see AppendixA, Product Features a nd Specifications.
For error messages and diagnostics sp e cific to Windows NT , refer to
AppendixB, Wind ows NT Specif ic Error Messag es and Dia gnos tics
If you do not understand some of the terms discus se d in this
document, refer to the Glossary.