The sprinkler system is monitored by a microprocessor based temperature controller as a designated "FAIL- SAFE." The microprocessor circuit must have power in order to engage main power to the dryer. When cycling the dryer, if the temperature at the Resistive Temperature Device (RTD) reaches 575º F, one (1) set of contact in the controller will open, disabling the power (electric supply) to the dryer. Another set of contacts will close, sounding the alarm and turning on the sprinkler.
NOTE: The sprinkler as well as the alarm will remain on until the "amber" colored sprinkler reset button
is pressed and the temperature in the tumbler (basket) falls below 575º F (301.6 º C).
1.Description Of Components
a)Resistive Temperature Device (RTD)
The RTD is located above the tumbler (basket). The probe is a 100 Ω (ohm) platinum RTD. As the temperature increases or decreases the resistance value corresponds to the ambient temperature (i.e., 100 Ω = 32º F / 0º C ... 109 Ω = 75º F / 24º C).
b) Sprinkler Valve
The sprinkler valve is a
c) Sprinkler Solenoid Valve
The sprinkler solenoid valve is a
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