Configure and View Status

Table 8. ADSL Transceiver Options (continued)


For Option









Max Down

Select a maximum data rate for the downstream channel


Data Rate

(from service provider to subscriber). Use the spacebar to



scroll through the available rates.





Startup SNR

Press the spacebar to select a startup SNR margin from



–3 to 9 dB or NA (don't care about startup SNR margin).



The default is 6 dB.






Type a dB value from 0 to 15. The Margin Threshold, in dB,



is the excess SNR relative to the SNR at 10-7BER operation.



When the margin falls below the threshold, this causes an



SNR margin alarm and the MAR LED on the front panel to



blink. The default value is 4.





ES Threshold

Type in a value from 0 to 255 for the ES (errored second)



Threshold. If the current 15-minute interval ES exceeds the



set value, then this causes an ES alarm. The default is 100.






Configure each alarm as either major or minor alarm or



disable the alarm. Enabling alarms affects the ADSL STAT



LED, but not the alarm history. The available options for



each alarm are (E) for enabled minor alarm, (D) for disabled



alarms, and (M) for enabled major alarm.



Type 7 then press N until you highlight the alarm you



want to configure. Press the spacebar to toggle among the



choices listed above and press ENTER to select.



When you disable an alarm, it affects the system



ALARM/STATUS LED or alarm relays, but it does



not affect the reporting of alarm information in the



menu displays.






Select downstream power option of either STANDARD



(default) or HI-PERFORMANCE. Unit uses the selected



option to set the upper limit of the downstream power



spectral density (PSD) during data transmission. PSD for



STANDARD is set to -40 dBm/Hz. PSD for



HI-PERFORMANCE is set to -34 dBm/Hz for frequencies



higher than 220 kHz.




*Certain data rate combinations are invalid. If such a combination is selected in fixed data mode, the modem will change the rates to a valid combination. When such a combination is selected in full startup mode, the modem accepts it, but the actual data rate to be achieved will not match the setting regardless of the line quality.


Megabit Modem CRA-C User Manual