The OUTPut3 subsystem controls the output impedance of th e Agile nt E1446A’s
“Diff Output +” output.
Subsystem Syntax OUTPut3
:IMPedance <impedance>
OUTPut3:IMPedance <impedance> sets the output impedance “Diff Output +”
BNC to either 50 or 75.
Parameters Parameter
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
impedance numeric 50|75|
MINimum|MAXimum Ohms
MINimum selects 50 output impedance; MAXimum selects 75.
Comments Executable when initiated: Yes
Coupling group: none
*RST Condition: OUTPu t 3:IMPedance 50
Example Setting 75 output impedance
OUTP3:IMP 75 Set 75 output impedance

OUTPut3 Subsystem E1446/E1445 Command Reference 3-15