The INPut[1] subsystem controls the input attenuation an d impedance of the Agilent
E1446A’s “Input 1” BNC.
Subsystem Syntax INPut[1]
:ATTenuation <attenuation>
:IMPedance <impedance>
INPut[1]:ATTenuation <attenuation> controls the input attenuator of the “Input
1” BNC. Input attenuation can range from 0 to 31 dB in 1 dB steps.
Parameters Parameter
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
impedance numeric 0 through 31.0 |
MINimum|MAXimum dB
MINimum selects 0 dB attenuation ; MAXimum selects 31 dB.
Comments Coupling group: none
*RST Condition: INPut1:ATTenuation 0
Example Setting 20 dB input at t enuation
INP:ATT 20 Set 20 dB input attenuation
INPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance> sets the input im pedance of the “I nput 1” BNC
to either 50, 75, or 1 M.
Parameters Parameter
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
impedance numeric 50|75|1.0E6|
MINimum|MAXimum Ohms
MINimum selects 50 input impedance; MAXimum selects 1 M.

3-8 E1446/E1405/06 Command Reference INPut[1] Subsystem