for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 21
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
2.6 Testing the BDI2000 to host connection
After the initial setup is done, you can test the communication between the host and the BDI2000.
There is no need for a target configuration file and no TFTP server is needed on the host.
• If not already done, connect the bdiGDB system to the network.
• Power-up the BDI2000.
• Start a Telnet client on the host and connect to the BDI2000 (the IP address you entered dur-
ing initial configuration).
• If everything is okay, a sign on message like «BDI Debugger for ARM» should be displayed
in the Telnet window.
2.7 TFTP server for Windows NT
The bdiGDB system uses TFTP to access the configuration file and to load the application program.
Because there is no TFTP server bundled with Windows NT, Abatron provides a TFTP server appli-
cation tftpsrv.exe. This WIN32 console application runs as normal user application (not as a system
Command line syntax: tftpsrv [p] [w] [dRootDirectory]
Without any parameter, the server starts in read-only mode. This means, only read access request
from the client are granted. This is the normal working mode. The bdiGDB system needs only read
access to the configuration and program files.
The parameter [p] enables protocol output to the console window. Try it.
The parameter [w] enables write accesses to the host file system.
The parameter [d] allows to define a root directory.
tftpsrv p Starts the TFTP server and enables protocol output
tftpsrv p w Starts the TFTP server, enables protocol output and write accesses are
tftpsrv dC:\tftp\ Starts the TFTP server and allows only access to files in C:\tftp and its
subdirectories. As file name, use relative names.
For example "bdi\mpc750.cfg" accesses "C:\tftp\bdi\mpc750.cfg"
You may enter the TFTP server into the Startup group so the server is started every time you logon.