for GNU Debugger, BDI2000 (ARM11/Cortex-A8) User Manual 31
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland V 1.04
Low level JTAG scan chain configuration:
Sometimes it is necessary to configure the test access port (TAP) of the target before the ARM debug
interface is visible and accessible in the usual way. The BDI supports this configuration in a very ge-
neric way via the SCANINIT and SCANPOST configuration commands. Both accept a string that de-
fines the JTAG sequences to execute. The following example shows how to use these commands:
; Configure ICEPick module to make ARM926 TAP visible
SCANINIT t1:w1000:t0:w1000: ;toggle TRST
SCANINIT i6=07:d8=89:i6=02: ;connect and select router
SCANINIT d32=81000082: ;set IP control
SCANINIT d32=a018206f: ;configure TAP0
SCANINIT d32=a018216f:cl5: ;enable TAP0, clock 5 times in RTI
SCANINIT i10=ffff ;scan bypass
; Between SCANINIT and SCANPOST the ARM ICEBreaker is configured
; and the DBGRQ bit in the ARM debug control register is set.
SCANPOST i10=002f: ;IP(router) - ARM(bypass)
SCANPOST d33=0102000106: ;IP control = SysReset
SCANPOST i10=ffff ;scan bypass
The following low level JTAG commands are supported in the string. Use ":" between commands.
I<n>=<...b2b1b0> write IR, b0 is first scanned
D<n>=<...b2b1b0> write DR, b0 is first scanned
n : the number of bits 1..256
bx : a data byte, two hex digits
W<n> wait for n (decimal) micro seconds
T1 assert TRST
T0 release TRST
R1 assert RESET
R0 release RESET
CH<n> clock TCK n (decimal) times with TMS high
CL<n> clock TCK n (decimal) times with TMS low
The following diagram shows the parts of the standard reset sequence that are replaced with the
SCAN string. Only the appropriate part of the reset sequence is replaced. If only a SCANINIT string
is defined, then the standard "post" sequence is still executed.
If (reset mode == hard) Assert reset
Toggle TRST
If (reset mode == hard) Delay for reset time
Execute SCANINIT string
Check if Bypass register(s) present
Read and display ID code
Check if debug module is accessible
If (startup == reset) catch reset exception
If (reset mode == hard) Release reset
Wait until reset is really release
Delay for wake-up time
Execute SCANPOST string