Chapter 3 - Overview
Pitch Shifter
This effect type shifts the pitch of the input signal by a fixed amount. This creates a thickening effect similar to the difference between a
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Pitch Detune
This effects detunes the pitch of the input signal by + or - 99 cents. A cent is 1/100 of a semitone. A pitch shift of +99 cents applied to a C natural will make it sound as a C sharp. The input signal is not split, therefore if you want to create dissonance, you must route the input signal to the outputs and blend them together for the desired effect.
Ring Modulator
This generates an
Triggered Flanging
The new Mono Trigger Flange and Stereo Trigger Flange effects (Pitch function) are identical in every way to their original counterparts (Mono Flanging and Stereo Flanging, respectively) except that they both provide an additional function: they can be triggered to produce a sweeping effect. Three additional parameters have been added to make this possible.
Retrigger Point
The Retrigger Point parameter (Parameter mode, Page 2) determines at which point in the Flanger effectÕs cycle it should begin when triggered. This can be set to a value between 0 and 255. On the Mono Triggered Flange, a value of 64 will produce a downward sweep.
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