Description of Controls - Chapter 5
Effect Parameters
The following charts are designed to act as a Òroad mapÓ to assist you in locating parameters and their value ranges. All of the following parameters may be found by first selecting the appropriate effect type, pressing the [PARAMETER] button, and using the [< PAGE >] buttons to navigate through the various pages. The number of pages available depends on the effect type youÕve selected. The total number of pages will be shown in the left side of the display, and the currently selected page number will have an underline beneath it.
EQ Type | Parameters | Page# |
Lowpass Filter | Lowpass Fc (frequency): | 1 |
Bandpass Filter | Bandpass Fc: | 1 |
| BW (bandwidth): |
Highpass Filter | Highpass Fc: | 1 |
Lowpass Shelf | Lowpass: | 1 |
Highpass Shelf | Highpass: | 1 |
1 Band Low | Bandpass: | 1 |
Parametric | BW: |
1 Band High | Bandpass: | 1 |
Parametric | BW: |
2 Band Sweep | Lowpass: | 1 |
Shelf | Highpass: | 2 |
3 Band Parametric | Lowpass: | 1 |
| Mid Band: | 2 |
| BW: |
| Highpass: | 3 |
4 Band Parametric | Lowpass: | 1 |
| Low Mid: | 2 |
| BW: |
| High Mid: | 3 |
| BW: |
| Highpass: | 4 |
5 Band Graphic | 63Hz/250Hz/1kHz/4kHz/16kHz: ±14dB | 1 |
| Note: All bands have a two octave bandwidth. |
Resonator | Resonator Tuning: | 1 |
Mono Tremolo | Speed: | 1 |
Stereo Tremolo | Speed: | 1 |
Stereo Simulator | Stereo Spread: | 1 |
Soft Overdrive | Effect Mix: Overdrive/Clean | 1 |
| Brightness: | 2 |
Hard Overdrive | Effect Mix: Overdrive/Clean | 1 |
| Brightness: | 2 |
Triggered Panning | Speed: | 1 |
| Retrigger Point: Left/ Right/ Alternating L/R | 2 |
| Sweeping Mode: Continuous/One Cycle Only | 3 |
| Trigger Source: Audio Left, Audio Right, Audio | 4 |
| L&R, Advance Footsw., Bypass Footsw. |
Phase Inverter | Output Phase: | 1 |
Q20 Reference Manual | 81 |