Description of Controls - Chapter 5
Page 3: Program Table. The Program Table allows you to intercept incoming program change messages and have them recall specific Programs (in either the Preset bank or the User bank) which may not be the same number value as the program change message received. There are 128 different possible MIDI program change messages (000 through 127). However, the Q20 has 300 Programs to choose from. Therefore, the Program Table allows us to choose which of the 300 Programs will be recalled when certain program change numbers are received. The first value indicates the MIDI program change you wish to remap (000Ñ127). The second value in the display indicates the Program you wish to be recalled (Preset, User 0 or User 1, 00Ñ 99). You can remap each of the 128 program change numbers, if so desired.
Page 4: MIDI Thru. This determines whether information received at the [MIDI IN] connector should be routed to the [MIDI OUT] connector. When ÒONÓ, the [MIDI OUT] connector ÒechoesÓ any MIDI messages it receives on the [MIDI IN] connector.
Page 5: System Exclusive Receive. This determines whether the Q20 will respond to any received MIDI SysEx messages. SysEx (System Exclusive) is used to control the various parameters of the Q20. When ÒONÓ, the Q20 will respond to SysEx messages. When off, SysEx messages will be ignored.
Page 6: Send MIDI Program. This page lets you dump out a single Program or the current Program being used/edited), or the entire User bank via MIDI. The data is sent as SysEx information. This can be sent to a MIDI storage device, or to another Q20. Select either ÒALLÓ or a Program number from 00Ñ99 (User bank only) or EDIT (the currently selected Program which is in the edit buffer). When ALL is selected, simply pressing the [VALUE/ENTER] button starts the MIDI dump. The display will read ÒMIDI PROGRAM DUMP IN PROGRESS...Ó indicating that all 100 User Programs are being sent out the [MIDI OUT] connector. If EDIT or 00Ñ99 is selected, a second value appears which lets you select which Program location to send the selected Program to. This is useful when you are connected to another Q20, and wish to transfer a Program from one to the other but do not want to store it in the same location.
Q20 Reference Manual | 77 |