Chapter 3 - Overview
Input High Frequency Roll Off
This is a lowpass filter that can be set between 200Hz and 20kHz, and attenuates all frequencies above this value by 6dB per octave.
All the reverb effects also have
Predelay Mix
This allows you to balance the amount of predelay to direct signal as a percentage of each. This gives you the ability to hear a bit of the reverb before the loudest part of the reverb (the predelayed reverb) sounds, and makes for a bigger, smoother sounding reverb.
Reflection Level and Spread
This is only used with the more complex reverb algorithms, such as Room 2, Hall 2, Plate 2, Chamber 2 and Large Plate. Level controls the amplitude of the early reflections. Spread controls the reflectionÕs density, or how close they are together.
Reverberation Swirl
This adds a type of stereo
Reverberation Attack
Only used in Plate 2 and Chamber 2, this controls the amount of extra signal added to the beginning of the reverbÕs effect, which in turn controls the intensity of the reverbÕs attack.
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