Section 4 Service Procedures
Cycle 39 — Test Program (continued)Step | Description | Min:sec | Step Definition | Corrective Action |
21 | Auxiliary 1 | 0:05 | N/A | N/A |
22 | Auxiliary 2 | 0:05 | N/A | N/A |
23 | Auxiliary 3 | 0:05 | N/A | N/A |
24 | 150°F Fill to | 5:00 | The water should reach 150°F and the | Refer to the “No Fill Analysis” flowchart. |
| High Level |
| machine should fill to high level within 5 |
| minutes and, when it does, a buzzer will |
| sound. |
25 | Cold Fill to | 5:00 | The machine should fill with cold water to | Refer to the “Machine Did Not Fill Alarm |
| Overflow |
| overflow within 5 minutes and, when it does, | Analysis” flowchart. |
| a buzzer will sound. |
26 | Soak (150°F) | 2h00 | The machine should maintain a water | If the machine doesn’t maintain a water |
| temperature of 150°F and a high fill level for | temperature of 150°F, check the |
| the time programmed. | components used for the auxiliary heating |
| (e.g. steam valve or heating elements). If |
| the machine doesn’t maintain a high fill |
| level, refer to the “Machine Did Not Fill |
| Alarm Analysis” flowchart. |
27 | Drain 1 | 1:00 | The machine should drain within 1 minute | Refer to the “Empty Alarm Analysis” |
| and, when it does, a buzzer will sound. | flowchart. |
28 | Spin 1 | 2:00 | The machine should spin at 500 RPM’s for 2 | Refer to the “No Spin Analysis” flowchart. |
| minutes. |
29 | Spin 2 | 2:00 | The machine should spin at 650 RPM’s for 2 | Refer to the “No Spin Analysis” flowchart. |
| minutes. |
30 | Spin 3 | 2:00 | The machine should spin at the following | Refer to the “No Spin Analysis” flowchart. |
| RPM’s for 2 minutes: |
| • 18, 25, 35, 55, 75, 100 and |
| capacity models: 800 RPM’s |
| • |
31 | Spin 4 | 2:00 | The machine should spin at the following | Refer to the “No Spin Analysis” flowchart. |
| RPM’s for 2 minutes: |
| • 18, 25, 35, 55, and |
| models: 1000 RPM’s |
| • 100 and |
| RPM’s |
| • |
32 | Auxiliary 3 | 0:15 | N/A | N/A |
33 | Cold Fill to | 5:00 | The machine should fill with cold water to | Refer to the “Machine Did Not Fill Alarm |
| Medium Level |
| medium level within 5 minutes and, when it | Analysis” flowchart. |
| does, a buzzer will sound. |
34 | Wash 1 10/3 | 0:15 | The basket should rotate forward 10 seconds, | Refer to the “No Motor Operation (With or |
| (80°F) |
| pause for 3 seconds, rotate in reverse for 10 | With No AC Drive Fault” flowchart. |
| seconds, pause for 3 seconds, etc. |
35 | Drain 1 | 1:00 | The machine should drain within 1 minute | Refer to the “Empty Alarm Analysis” |
| and, when it does, a buzzer will sound. | flowchart. |
Table 1 (continued)
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