controller ID number (definition) 136 controller information, viewing 28 controller policies

overview 31 viewing 30 definition 135

moving unit to another 57 rescanning 60

status 86 updating driver 84

Controller Details page, 3DM 87 Controller error occurred (0003) 117 Controller reset occurred (0001) 117 Controller Settings page, 3DM 93 Controller Summary page, 3DM 86 conventions

in the user guide viii creating a unit

configuration options 35 definition 136

in 3DM 37 introduction 34

current controller (definition) 22 customer support

contacting 112, 153


DCB checksum error detected (0027) 123 DCB version unsupported (0028) 123 DCB, definition 136

Degraded (unit status) 64 degraded unit

about 65 definition 136

Degraded unit (0002) 117

delay between spin-up policy (viewing in 3DM) 96 deleting a unit 54

3DM 103 definition 136

destroy unit (definition) 136 Disk Manager, using 14 distributed parity 6

Downgrade UDMA mode (0021) 121 drive

adding in 3DM 58 capacity considerations 10 checking status in 3DM 61 coercion 11

drive ID (definition) 136 drive number (definition) 136 locate by blinking 81 removing in 3DM 58 status, viewing (3DM) 61 statuses 64

types 5

viewing SMART data 67 Drive Details page, 3DM 92

Drive ECC error reported (0026) 122 Drive error detected (000A) 119 Drive Information page, 3DM 90 Drive inserted (001A) 120

drive locate 13, 89, 91, 108 Drive not supported (0030) 124

Drive power on reset detected (003A) 126 Drive removed (0019) 120

Drive timeout detected (0009) 118 driver

current version, determining 83 installation 141

updating 84

drives per spin-up policy 96 dynamic sector repair 72, 121


definition 136

ECC error policy (definition) 136

e-mail event notification, managing in 3DM 25, 109 enclosure

blinking LEDs 81 detail information 108 LED status indicators 63 summary information 107

Enclosure Details page (3DM) 108 Enclosure Management Services (EMS),

definition 136

Enclosure Summary page (3DM) 107 errors 66

error correction 12

error log, downloading 67 error messages 113

how handled by verification process 72 viewing 67

European Community Conformity statement 150 events (see also errors) 66

export a unit definition 136

Export JBOD policy viewing in 3DM 96


fault tolerant definition 137

FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement 149 firmware

definition 137 showing version 86, 87 updating 84

Flash file system error detected (003F) 127 Flash file system repaired (0040) 127


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Image 165
AMCC 720-0138-00 manual 157