Main Screen
The main screen is provides “an
overall view“ of the chiller
performance in addition to the main
and sub operating modes. The table
below indicates other items found ,
when specified by options, that can
be scrolled to via the up or down
Main Screen Data Fields Table
Description Units Resolution Dependencies
1. Chiller Mode (>> submodes)
2. Circuit 1 Mode (>> submodes)
3. Circuit 2 Mode (>> submodes)
4. Evap Ent/Lvg Water Temp F / C 0.1
5. Cond Ent/Lvg Water Temp F / C 0.1
6. Active Chilled Water Setpoint (>>source) F / C 0.1
7. Active Hot Wtr Setpoint (>>source) F / C 0.1 If in heat installed
8. Active Current Limit Setpoint (>>source) % RLA 1
9. Active Base Loading Setpoint (>>source) % 1 If enabled
10. Circuit 1 Purge Mode (status, i.e. on, off, See modes in Emum
adaptive, auto)) purge manual
11. Circuit 2 Purge Mode (status, i.e. on, off, See modes in Enum
adaptive, auto)) purge manual
12. Approx Chiller Capacity Tons / kW XXX If option installed
13. Active Ice Termination Setpoint (>>source) F / C 0.1 If option installed
14. Software Version 0.XX
Chiller Operating Mode
The machine-operating mode
indicates the operational status of the
chiller. A subscreen with additional
mode summary information will be
provided by selection of an
additional information icon (>>). The
operating mode lines will remain
stationary while the remaining status
items scroll with the up/down arrow
Circuit Operating Mode
The circuit-operating modes indicate
the operational status of the circuits.
A subscreen with additional mode
summary information will be
provided by selection of an
additional information icon (>>). The
operating mode lines will remain
stationary while the remaining status
items scroll with the up/down arrow