damaged battery 283 computer 271

floppy disks 111, 113, 114–115, 291–292programs 296

date and time

changing formats for 151–152to print a document 173 setting 148–149

using Map 307

Date & Time control panel 148–149, 151–152

DCA-RFT/MacWrite, converting files between 303

dead batteries, disposal of 96 delays

before acceptance of next keystroke 156 before keys repeat 155

Delete key 49, 55, 58–60, 297 deleting text 49, 55, 58–59desk accessories

Battery 66, 88–89

Key Caps 178, 298–299


contents of 42–44printing 171

illustration 15 moving items to 121

diacritical marks 298–299dialog boxes

custom installation 76, 170 directory 119, 177

Easy Install 75, 76

to name and save a document 50 Page Setup 168, 172

directory dialog boxes 119, 177 discharging/recharging the battery 95 disconnecting

Duo Floppy Adapter 255 Duo MiniDock 250 from file sharing 203–204from shared disk 187, 200 from SCSI disk mode 265 program links 212

disk cache 162 diskettes. See floppy disks

Disk First Aid program 17, 113, 114–115disk repair programs 114–115

Disk Tools disk 17, 77

Apple HD SC Setup 105–106, 116

Battery Reconditioning 97

Disk First Aid 113, 114–115

display. See also monitors; screen adjusting angle of 24

closing to put the computer to sleep 13 opening and adjusting 3

disposal of dead batteries 96

docked computer. See Duo Dock; Duo Floppy Adapter; Duo MiniDock

documents. See also files changing 54–57,58–60closing 52, 61 copying 61–62, 292 creating 49

deleting 292

editing 54–57,58–60icons 44

making a document window active 61 naming 49–50, 119

opening 53–54, 61 opening at startup 146 printing 170–171

background printing 167, 173, 284 saving 49–50, 57, 119, 292 troubleshooting 292

double-clicking 54, 60, 275 adjusting speed 154

Index 317

Page 331
Image 331
Apple Duo 270C manual Using Map Date & Time control panel 148-149, Dead batteries, disposal of 96 delays, Easy Install 75