Sound, Color, and Video

In this chapter
mSetting the beep sound
mInstalling a sound
mRemoving a sound
mRecording sounds
mDisplaying colors or grays
mChanging the highlight color
mChanging the color of window borders
mChanging the background pattern
mAssigning a color to an icon
mChanging the colors or grays in the Labels menu
mUsing more than one monitor
mControlling automatic screen dimming
mMagnifying the screen image

Setting the beep sound

Many programs have the computer make a sound when your
attention is required or when you’re attempting an action that the
computer cannot perform at that time.
You can choose the type of beep sound that you want your
computer to make. You can also set the sound’s volume.
1. Choose Control Panels from the Apple (K) menu.
2. Open the Sound control panel.
The Sound control panel appears. The beep that your
computer is currently using is already selected.
continues .

Chapter 9