The drawing shows one of many possible PowerBook Duo
Systems. The Duo Dock can accommodate any Macintosh-
compatible monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, hard disk drive,
CD-ROM drive, scanner, or other device.
The following sections include information about
nthe features of the Duo Dock
nhow to set it up
nhow to use it with the PowerBook Duo
nhow to install a NuBus card in the Duo Dock

Duo Dock features

The Duo Dock comes with many features built in, and several
optional features are also available. These features include:
nan internal 1.4 MB floppy disk drive
nan optional internal SCSI hard disk drive (any available
capacity that meets Appleā€™s specifications; up to 1" high)
nstandard ports including SCSI (with an HDI-30 connector),
video, printer, modem, Apple Desktop Bus (ADB), sound in,
and sound out
na separate mouse and microphone
Eject button
Manual eject hole Key lock
216 Chapter 13: Building a PowerBook Duo System