Customer Support & Legal
For technical support, send an email to rpc@arri.com, or contact one of the following ARRI affiliates:
Germany | Arnold & Richter Cine Technik |
| Türkenstraße 89, |
| Voice phone: +49 (0)89 |
| Email: webmaster@arri.de |
Canada | ARRI Canada Limited |
| 415 Horner Avenue, Unit 11, Toronto, Ontario, M8W 4W4 Canada |
| Voice phone: +416 255 3335, FAX: +416 255 3399 |
| Email: email@arrican.com |
England | ARRI GB Ltd. |
| |
| Voice phone:+44 (0)181 848 8881, FAX: +44 (0)181 561 1312 |
| Email: |
Italy | ARRI Italia S.r.l., Head Office |
| Edison 318, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), Italy |
| Voice Phone: +39 (02) 262 271 75, FAX: +39 (02) 242 1692 |
| Email: info@arri.it |
| ARRI Italia S.r.l. |
| Via Placonia 97, 00040 Morena (Rome), Italy |
| Voice Phone: +39 (06) 79 89 021, FAX: +39 (06) 79 89 02 206 |
| Email: info@arri.it |
USA | ARRI USA Inc., East Coast |
| 617 Route 303, Blauvelt, NY |
| Voice phone: |
| Email: arriflex@arri.com |
| ARRI USA Inc., West Coast |
| 600 North Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA |
| Voice phone: |
| Email: brussell@arri.com |
| Information about the RPC and more can be found on the ARRI website at: |
| http://www.arri.com |
Neither Arnold & Richter
Arnold & Richter
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© 2000 Arnold &
RPC Operations Guide, Page 6