Using Policy Manager for user configuration
Issue 4 May 2005 121
A Client IP Address Pool is a range of source IP addresses that is recognized by an ACD. The
pool is stored in the security gateway, so when it recognizes an inbound packet from a
VPNremote Client, it swaps the source address with one from the pool. When the security
gateway recognizes an outbound packet having a pooled address, it changes the destination
address to the remote client’s address.
A security gateway can be configured with multiple pools. When selecting a list of source
addresses to pool, choose ranges that are not used by the destination network.
Figure 40: Policy Manager - Client IP address pool
Add Client IP address pool
From the Policy Manager properties you select Client IP Configuration to make add new client
IP addresses. At the top of the screen is the target security gateway to which this address pool
For VPNos 4.2 and earlier, you enter the starting address of the range in the Client IP Address,
Range Start field, followed by the ending address of the range in the Range End field. Up to 20
non-contiguous IP address ranges of any size may be entered (depends on security gateway
memory available).
For VPNos 4.31, you enter the IP address and mask.
Add Client DNS
The Client DNS address entered here is sent to the security gateway that is used for the
VPNremote virtual adapter configuration. This information is then sent to the VPNremote Client
through CCD. Three Client DNS addresses can be configured in the VPNmanager.