Monitoring your network
256 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
Route Proto The routing mechanism via which this route
was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway
routing protocols is not intended to imply that
hosts should support those protocols.
Enumerated values:
1. other
2. local
3. netmgmt
4. icmp
5. egp
6. ggp
7. hello
8. rip
9. is-is
10. es-is
11. ciscoIgrp
12. bbnSpfIgp
13. ospf
14. bgp
Route Age The number of seconds since this route was
last updated or otherwise determined to be
correct. Note that no semantics of ‘too old’ can
be implied except through knowledge of the
routing protocol by which the route was
Route Mask Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with
the destination address before being
compared to the value in the ipRouteDest
field. For those systems that do not support
arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs
the value of the ipRouteMask by determining
whether the value of the correspondent
ipRouteDest field belong to a class-A, B, or C
network, and then using one of:
mask network class-A
class-B class-C
If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a
default route), then the mask value is also It should be noted that all IP routing
subsystems implicitly use this mechanism.
Table 22: ipRouteTable Parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
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