24 | Operating the AXIS 250S | AXIS 250S User’s Manual |
This section allows you to configure and use Pan/Tilt/Zoom devices with your AXIS 250S. Click the Modify button to open a new window allowing you to create/edit preset positions. Note that devices must have previously been added and configured by the product administrator.
Preset position setup
To add a new position, use the controls to steer the camera so that it points to the desired point. Then enter a descriptive name in the Current Position field and click Apply. You can also set any position as Home, by checking the box provided when that position is current. This position will then be the default position when the video stream is viewed in a browser. It is also possible to go directly to the Home position from any other position - simply by clicking the H button at the bottom right corner.
To remove a preset position, select it from the