•Tap View > Details to view data about the periodical subscription, for example, the publisher and EAN (an identifying number).
Archiving B&N Digital Content
B&N digital content can be:
•In your online digital library but not on your NOOK. The content has been delivered to the online digital library but not downloaded to your NOOK.
•In your online digital library and on your NOOK. The content has been delivered to the online digital library and downloaded automatically or manually to your NOOK.
•Archived. This content was previously both in the online digital library and on your NOOK, and has now been deleted from your NOOK (and other devices associated with your account) and is displayed in gray in My B&N Library.
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Archiving Content
The primary use of archiving is to remove eBooks from your NOOK. They are deleted from your NOOK but remain in your online digital library. You can also archive issues of periodicals (including those purchased as single issues and by subscription). If you do not archive periodical issues that are delivered by subscription, they are subject to automatic deletion.
Archiving B&N content does three things:
•It deletes the content from your NOOK. An eBook is retained in your online digital library. You still own the content and retain the rights to it. A periodical issue is saved (it will not be automatically deleted in the future) and you retain the rights to the issue. To save a copy of a periodical issue delivered by subscription in your online digital library and on your NOOK, archive the issue and then download it.
•It displays the item in gray in My B&N Library, to indicate that it is not on your NOOK.
•When other devices associated with your Barnes & Noble online account synchronize with the online digital library, they also delete the content from the devices.
To archive content:
1On the Home menu, tap my library.
2If you are viewing My Documents, tap Go to My B&N Library.
NOOK User Guide | Library | 104 |