For the internal memory, place your files in the folder my documents, or in folders under that folder. Any hierarchy under my documents is fine. You can also place your files in other top- level folders that you create, or in subfolders of those folders.

For a supplemental microSD card, place your files anywhere on the card, in any hierarchy.

When viewed from your personal computer, the files retain this organization. Your NOOK does not move them. The My Documents section of your library is not a view of the files and folders, but of information about the files. It is a flat view, a list. The hierarchy is not reflected in the list.

In the My Documents section of your library, you can:

Read documents

Manage shelves and place documents on shelves

Browse documents

Sort documents

Check for new content

Search for documents

View item details

Delete documents


Items in My Documents can have the following indicator displayed:

on page X of Y For items you are reading, the current reading page is displayed after the author’s name.

For items in My Documents, the current reading page is not synchronized across devices.

Organizing My Documents

You can organize the items in My Documents using shelves. For more information, see “Organizing Your Library” on page 95.

Finding What You Want to Read in My Documents

There are several ways to find what you want to read in the My Documents section of your library:

You can browse, turning from page to page with the Next Page and Previous Page buttons.

NOOK User Guide
