•audio: Listen to music, audiobooks, and other audio files such as podcasts.
•settings: Personalize your NOOK to suit your taste. Choose your own wallpaper and screensavers. Store email addresses of friends and family to help you share great books easily. Register your NOOK to take advantage of its full functionality. You’ll want to connect your NOOK to your BN.com account so that you can make purchases and download free samples.
Home Screen
The Home screen is on the reading screen when the Home menu is on the touchscreen. The Home screen displays your wallpaper.
A tip bubble might be displayed in the lower left corner of the reading screen. The tip bubble gives:
•The number of new periodical issues, that is, the number of periodical issues delivered to your online digital library during the last 48 hours that you have not opened and read.
•The number of new offers to lend you eBooks, that is, the number of offers to lend you eBooks received during the last 48 hours that you have neither accepted nor declined.
Back Cover
This section explains how to remove and
You should almost never have to remove the back cover. The only times when you need to remove the back cover are:
•To insert a microSD card to add storage capacity to your NOOK
•To replace the battery
Removing the Back Cover
The first time you do this, you might want to do it over a soft surface such as a sofa cushion, in case you drop your NOOK. The back cover is biased toward staying on, rather than toward coming off.
To remove the back cover:
1Unplug your NOOK from the power adapter or USB cable.
2Press the power button for about 5 seconds to turn off your NOOK.
3Hold your NOOK in one hand with the front facing your hand and the bottom edge up.
NOOK User Guide | Your NOOK | 28 |