Ch. 2 Getting Started

Started Getting

4Double-click the Mac OS X folder to open it.

5Double-click the Driver Installer icon in the folder that appears. The installer starts up, and then the Introduction dialog box appears.


When the Next button is pressed, a message may appear, warning that an older version of the printer driver is installed. Be sure to uninstall the older version of the printer driver before trying to install the new driver. For details on uninstalling the printer driver, refer to To uninstall the printer driver: on page 35.

6 Click the Next button. A dialog box appears, allowing you to check the installa- tion.

7Check that the installation will be per- formed as desired, and then click the Install button. After the printer driver is installed, a dialog box appears, indicating that the installation is finished.

8Click the Done button, and then restart the computer.

Selecting the PT-9600/3600 as the printerTo select the printer:

With a Mac OS before OS X:

1Turn on the P-touch 9600/3600.

2Pull down the Apple menu and select “Chooser” to display the Chooser window.