Ch. 3 Functions
To return to the text without changing the format-
ting, press e (OR hold down d and press
Block format functions (d+ 2)Formatting with the Block format functions enables you to change the appearance of each of the label’s text blocks, created using the New Block function. The following label shows how these functions can be used together.
The multiple blocks in this label were created using the New Block function with the first block of this text containing a single line, the second containing two lines, and the third, one line. Then, different settings were applied to each block separately, using the Block format functions (Font, Size, Width, Style1, Style2, Line effects (underline/strikeout), Frame, Text alignment, Text rotation and Block length).
Only the square frame (1) and rounded frame (2) settings can be selected for the Frame function in block formatting. (For samples of the frames, refer to page 104.)
To change the Block format functions:1Press j, k, mor gto position the cursor in the block that will be given a different format.
2Rotate r until BLOCK FORMAT is dis- played, and then press r (OR hold down dand press 2).
STYLE2, LINE EFFECTS, FRAME, ALIGN- MENT, B. LENGTH or ROTATE and the desired setting as described on pages 54 to 61. The selected setting will only be applied to the text block that the cursor is positioned in.
To return to the text without changing the format-
ting, press e (OR hold down d and press
Line format functions (d+ 3)The Line format functions allow you to emphasise a single line of the text by printing it with a Font, Size, Width, Style1, Style2, Line effects (underline/strikeout), Frame or Text alignment setting that is different from the rest of the text.
Only the square frame setting (1) can be selected for the Frame function in line formatting. (For a sample of the frame, refer to page 104.)
To change the Line format functions:1Press j, k, mor gto position the cur- sor in the line that will be given a different format.
2Rotate runtil LINE FORMAT is displayed, and then press r(OR hold down dand press 3).
3Select FONT, SIZE, WIDTH, STYLE1, STYLE2, LINE EFFECTS, FRAME or ALIGN- MENT and the desired setting as described on pages 54 to 60. The selected setting will only be applied to the text line that the cur- sor is positioned in.
To return to the text without changing the format-
ting, press e (OR hold down d and press