This section introduces SPECTRUM Device Management documentation for SmartSwitch 6000 devices.
The section is organized as follows:
•Purpose and Scope
•Required Reading
•Supported Devices (page 8)
•The SPECTRUM Model (page 12)
Purpose and Scope
Use this documentation as a guide for managing SmartSwitch 6000 devices with the SPECTRUM management modules
Only information specific to the supported management module is included under this topic. For general information about device management using SPECTRUM and for explanations of basic SPECTRUM functionality
and navigation techniques, refer to the documentation listed under Required Reading.
Required Reading
To use this documentation effectively, you must be familiar with the information covered by the other SPECTRUM online documentation topics list below:
•Getting Started with SPECTRUM for Operators
•Getting Started with SPECTRUM for Administrators
•How to Manage Your Network with
S p e c t r u m E n t e r p r i s e M a n a g e r | Page 7 | S m a r t S w i t c h 6 0 0 0 |