The following calculations are based on using a Geokon model 4500 Vibrating Wire sensor. An individual multiplier and offset must be calculated for each sensor used in a system.


The fundamental equation relating frequency to pressure is

P = -FxG + B where

P = pressure, PSI

G = the Gage Factor obtained from the sensors calibration sheet in PSI/digit. The units of a digit are Hz2(10-3).

B = offset

Fx = f2Hz2(10-3), where f is frequency.

Instruction 28 measures period, T, of the vibrating wire in milliseconds (ms) and returns a measured value, X, of

X = 1/(T2(ms)2) = f2(10-6)Hz2

A multiplier of -1000 in Instruction 28 converts the measurement to digits, as shown below.

-Fx= -X(-103) = -f2(10-3)Hz2

To calculate the multiplier, convert Geokon's gage factor, G, to the desired units (i.e., feet of water per digit) and multiply by -1000.


The temperature correction is applied as follows.

PT = P + C * (t1 - t0), where

PT = Pressure corrected for temperature, °C

C= Temperature coefficient, PSI/°C (from Geokon calibration sheet)

t0 & t1 = Initial and current temperatures, °C.

The temperature coefficient, C, must be converted to units compatible with the gage factor, G.


In this example the vibrating wire sensor is used to monitor water table height (Figure 7.16- 2). The desired data is the distance from the lip of the well to the water surface. The sensor is vented to atmosphere to eliminate measurement errors due to changes in barometric pressure. The water level is expected to stay within 40 to 80 feet of the lip so the 50 psi pressure sensor is placed approximately 100 feet below the lip of the well. The calibration data from Geokon is provided in Table 7.16-1.

TABLE 7.16-1 Calibration Data forSensor 3998

Gage Factor

Temp. Coeff.





The multiplier, m, is calculated to convert the reading to feet of water.

m = 0.0151 (psi/digit) * 2.3067 (ft of water/psi) * -1000 = -34.831 ft of water/digit

After the probe reaches thermal equilibrium, the initial temperature, t0, is measured to be 24°C.

The water column above the sensor is referred to as the "Reading". The Reading decreases with increasing "Distance" from lip of well to water surface so the Distance is computed by subtracting the Reading from the Offset as shown in Figure 7.16-2.

The "Initial Distance" to the water surface is measured with a chalked line to be 47.23 feet below the lip. The first time the program is executed, the program calculates the offset (Offset = Distance + Reading) required to obtain a reading of 47.23 feet. The offset is stored in Location 4 and applied to subsequent measurements.

NOTE: Following program compilation in the *0 Mode, all input locations are set to zero. This fact is utilized to detect the first execution following a program compilation.

The example assumes the sensor has been connected as shown here.
