Figure OV2.1-1 illustrates the use of three different instruction types which act on data. The fourth type, Program Control, is used to control output times and vary program execution. Instructions are identified by numbers.

1.INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS (1-28,101-104, Section 9) control the terminal strip inputs and outputs (the sensor is the source, Figure OV1.1-2), storing the results in Input Storage (destination). Multiplier and offset parameters allow conversion of linear signals into engineering units. The Digital I/O Ports are also addressed with I/O Instructions.

2.PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS (30-66, Section 10) perform numerical operations on values located in Input Storage (source) and store the results back in Input Storage (destination). These instructions can be used to develop high level algorithms to process measurements prior to Output Processing.

3.OUTPUT PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS (69-82, Section 11) are the only instructions which store data in Final Storage (destination). Input Storage (source) values are processed over time to obtain averages, maxima, minima, etc. There are two types of processing done by Output Instructions: Intermediate and Final.

Intermediate processing normally takes place each time the instruction is executed. For example, when the Average Instruction is executed, it adds the values from the input locations being averaged to running totals in Intermediate Storage. It also keeps track of the number of samples.


Final processing occurs only when the Output Flag is high. The Output Processing Instructions check the Output Flag. If the flag is high, final values are calculated and output. With the Average, the totals are divided by the number of samples and the resulting averages sent to Final Storage. Intermediate locations are zeroed and the process starts over. The Output Flag, Flag 0, is set high by a Program Control Instruction which must precede the Output Processing Instructions in the user entered program.

4.PROGRAM CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS (83-98, Section 12) are used for logic decisions and conditional statements. They can set flags, compare values or times, execute loops, call subroutines, conditionally execute portions of the program, etc.


Programs are entered in Tables 1 and 2. Subroutines, called from Tables 1 and 2, are entered in Subroutine Table 3. The size of each table is flexible, limited only by the total amount of program memory. If Table 1 is the only table programmed, the entire program memory is available for Table 1.

Table 1 and Table 2 have independent execution intervals, entered in units of seconds with an allowable range of 1/64 to 8191 seconds. Subroutine Table 3 has no execution interval; subroutines are only executed when called from Table 1 or 2.


The execution interval specifies how often the program in the table is executed, which is usually determined by how often the sensors are to be measured. Unless two different measurement rates are needed, use only one table. A program table is executed sequentially starting with the first instruction in the table and proceeding to the end of the table.
