CSI defines the largest allowable range of a high resolution number to be 99999.

Interpretation of the decimal locator for a 4 byte data value is given below. The decimal equivalent of bits GH is the negative exponent to the base 10.

G H A5 digits

0 0 0


0 0 1


0 1 0


0 1 1


1 0 0


1 0 1



At the end of a binary transmission, a signature is sent. The signature is a 2 byte integer value which is a function of the data and the sequence of data in the Output Array. It is derived with an algorithm that assures a 99.998% probability of detecting a change in the data or its sequence. The CR10 calculates the signature using each transmitted byte beginning with the Final Storage format data (for K command, echo and carriage return line feed are not included) until the 2 byte signature itself. By calculating the signature of the received data and comparing it to the transmitted signature, it can be determined whether the data was received correctly.


S1,S0 - represent the high and low bytes of the signature, respectively

M - represents a transmitted data byte

n - represents the existing byte

n+1 - represents the new byte

T - represents a temporary location

C - represents the carry bit from a shift operation

1.The signature is initialized with both bytes set to hexadecimal AA.

S1(n) = S0(n) = AA


2.When a transmitted byte, M(n+1), is received, form a new highsignature byte by setting it equal to the existing low byte. Save the old high byte for later use.

T1 = S1(n)

S1(n+1) = S0(n)

3.Form a temporary byte by shifting the old low signature byte one bit to the left and adding any carry bit which results from the shift operation. A "shift left" is identical to a multiply by 2. Ignore any carry bit resulting from the add.

T2 = shift left (S0(n)) + carry

4.Form the new low signature byte by adding the results of operation 3 to the old high signature byte and the transmitted byte. Ignore any carry bits resulting from these add operations.

S0(n+1) = T2 + S1(n) + M(n+1)

As each new transmitted byte is received, the procedure is repeated.
