normally remains constant, to be incremented with each repetition.

INPUT STORAGE: That portion of memory allocated for the storage of results of Input and Processing Instructions. The values in Input Storage can be displayed and altered in the *6 Mode.

INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS: Used to initiate measurements and store the results in Input Storage or to set or read Control/Logic Ports.

INSTRUCTION LOCATION NUMBER: As instructions are entered in a Program Table, they are numbered sequentially. The instruction location number gives the location of that instruction in the program sequence. When programming a table, the instruction location number and a P (e.g., 04: P00) prompts the user when it is time to enter an instruction.

INTERMEDIATE STORAGE: That portion of memory allocated for the storage of results of intermediate calculations necessary for operations such as averages or standard deviations. Intermediate storage is not accessible to the user.

LOOP: In a program, a series of instructions which are repeated a prescribed number of times, followed by an "end" instruction which exists the program from the loop.

LOOP COUNTER: Increments by 1 with each pass through a loop.

LOW RESOLUTION: The default output resolution. A low resolution data value has 4 significant decimal digits and may range in magnitude from +0.001 to +6999. A low resolution data value requires 1 Final Storage location (2 bytes).

MANUALLY INITIATED: Initiated by the user, usually with a keyboard, as opposed to occurring under program control.

MODEM/TERMINAL: Any device which: 1) has the ability to raise the CR10's ring line or be used with the SC32A to raise the ring line and put the CR10 in the Telecommunications Command State and 2) has an asynchronous serial communication port which can be configured to communicate with the CR10.

ON-LINE DATA TRANSFER: Routine transfer of data to a peripheral left on-site. Transfer is controlled by the program entered in the datalogger.

OUTPUT ARRAY: A string of data points output to Final Storage. Output occurs only when the Output Flag (Flag 0) is set. The first point of an Output Array is the Output Array ID, which gives the Program Table Number and the Instruction Location Number of the Instruction which sets the Output Flag. The data points which complete the Array are the result of the Output Processing Instructions which are executed while the Output Flag is set. The Array ends when the Output Flag is reset at the end of the table or when another Instruction acts upon the Output Flag. Output occurs only when the output flag is set. (Section 2.1)

OUTPUT INTERVAL: The time interval between initiations of a particular Output Array. Output occurs only when the Output Flag is set. The flag may be set at fixed intervals or in response to certain conditions (Sections OV4 and 1.2.1).

OUTPUT PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS: Process data values and generate Output Arrays. Examples of Output Processing Instructions include Totalize, Maximize, Minimize, Average, etc. The data sources for these Instructions are values in Input Storage. The results of intermediate calculations are stored in Intermediate Storage. The ultimate destination of data generated by Output Processing Instructions is usually Final Storage but may be Input Storage for further processing. The transfer of processed summaries to Final Storage takes place when the Output Flag has been set by a Program Control Instruction.

PARAMETER: Used in conjunction with CR10 Program Instructions, parameters are numbers or codes which are entered to specify exactly what a given instruction is to do. Once the instruction number has been entered in a Program Table, the CR10 will prompt for the parameters by displaying the parameter number in the ID Field of the display.

PRINT DEVICE: Any device capable of receiving output over pin 6 (the PE line) in a receive-only mode. Printers, "dumb" terminals,
