If no memory has been allocated to Final Storage Area 2, this first window will be skipped.

The next window displays the current DSP location. Pressing A advances you to the Output array ID of the oldest Array in the Storage Area. To locate a specific Output Array, enter a location number that positions the Display Pointer (DPTR) behind the desired data and press the "A" key. If the location number entered is in the middle of an Output Array, the DPTR is automatically advanced to the first data point of the next Output Array. Repeated use of the "A" key advances through the Output Array, while use of the "B" key backs the DPTR through memory.

The memory location of the data point is displayed by pressing the "#" key. At this point, another memory location may be entered, followed by the "A" key to jump to the start of the Output Array equal to or just ahead of the location entered. Whenever a location number is displayed by using the "#" key, the corresponding data point can be displayed by pressing the "C" key.

The same element in the next Output Array with the same ID can be displayed by hitting #A. The same element in the previous array can be displayed by hitting #B. If the element is 1 (Array ID), then #A advances to the next array and #B backs up to the previous array. #0A backs up to the start of the current array.

The keyboard commands used in the *7 Mode are summarized in Table 2.3-1.

Advancing the DPTR past the Data Storage Pointer (DSP) displays the oldest data point. Upon entering the *7 Mode, the oldest Output Array can be accessed by pressing the "A" key.


TABLE 2.3-1. *7 Mode Command Summary

Key Action

AAdvance to next data point

BBack-up to previous data point

#Display location number of currently displayed data point value


Display value of current location


Advance to same element in next


Output Array with same ID


Back-up to same element in previous


Output Array with same ID


Back-up to the start of the current Final


Data Storage Array

*Exit *7 Mode
