Output Processing Instructions store data into Final Storage only when the Output Flag is set. The string of data stored each time the Output Flag is set is called an OUTPUT ARRAY. The first data point in the output array is a 3 digit OUTPUT ARRAY ID. This ID number is set in one of two ways:

1.In the default condition, the ID consists of the program table number and the Instruction Location Number of the instruction which set the Output Flag for that particular array of data. For example, the ID of 118 in Figure 2.1-2 indicates that the 18th instruction in Table 1 set the Output Flag.

2.The output array ID can be set by the user with the second parameter of Instruction 80 (Section 11). The ID can be set to any positive integer up to 511. This option allows the user to make the output array ID independent of the programming. The program can be changed (instructions added or deleted) without changing the output array ID. This avoids confusion during data reduction, especially on long term projects where program changes or updates are likely.

FIGURE 2.1-2. Output Array ID

NOTE: If Instruction 80 is used to designate the active Final Storage Area and parameter 2 is 0, the output array ID is determined by the position of Instruction 80 or by the position of the instruction setting the Output Flag, whichever occurs last.

Astart-of-array marker ($ in Figure 2.1-1) is written into Final Storage with the Output Array ID. This marker is used as a reference point from which to number the data points of the output array. The start of array marker occupies the same Final Storage location as the Array ID and is transparent for all user operations.


Data are stored in Final Storage before being transmitted to an external device. There are 5 pointers for each Final Storage Area which are used to keep track of data transmission. These pointers are:

1.Display Pointer (DPTR)

2.Tape Pointer (TPTR)

3.Printer Pointer (PPTR)

4.Telecommunications (Modem) Pointer (MPTR)

5.Storage Module Pointer (SPTR)

The DPTR is used to recall data to the keyboard/ display. The positioning of this pointer and data recall are controlled from the keyboard (*7 Mode).

The TPTR is used to control data transmission to a cassette tape recorder. When on-line tape transfer is activated (Instruction 96, option 00), data is transmitted to tape whenever the DSP is a minimum of 512 memory locations ahead of the TPTR. The TPTR may also be positioned via the keyboard for manually initiated data transfer to tape (*8 Mode).

The PPTR is used to control data transmission to a printer or other serial device. Whenever on-line printer transfer is activated (Instruction 96), data between the PPTR and DSP are transmitted. The PPTR may also be positioned via the keyboard for manually initiated data transmission (*8 Mode).

The MPTR is used in transmitting data over a telecommunications interface. When telecommunications is first entered, the MPTR is set to the same location as the DSP. Positioning of the MPTR is then controlled by commands from the external calling device (Section 5.1).

The SPTR is used to control data transmission to a Storage Module. When on-line transfer is activated by Instruction 96, data is transmitted each time an output array is stored in Final Storage IF THE STORAGE MODULE IS CONNECTED TO THE CR10. If the Storage Module is not connected, the CR10 does not transmit the data nor does it advance the SPTR to the new DSP location. It saves the data until the Storage Module is connected. Then, during the next execution of Instruction 96, the CR10 outputs all of the data between the SPTR and the DSP and updates the SPTR to the DSP location (Section 4.1)

The SPTR may also be positioned via the keyboard for manually initiated data transfer to the Storage Module (*8 Mode, Section 3.2.3).
