Command 2 sets up the CR10 to load a program which is input as serial ASCII data in the same form as sent in response to command 1.

A download file need not follow exactly the same format that is used when listing a program (i.e., some of the characters sent in the listing are not really used when a program is loaded). Some rules which must be followed are:

1."M" must be the first character other than a carriage return, line feed, semicolon, or 7D Hex. The "M" serves the same function as "*" does from the keyboard. The order in which the Modes are sent in does not matter (i.e., the information for Mode 3 could be sent before that for Mode 1).

2."S" is necessary prior to the Scan Rate (execution interval).

3.The colons (:) are used to mark the start of actual data.

4.A semicolon (;) tells the CR10 to ignore the rest of the line and can be used after an entry so that a comment can be added.

There are 4 two-character control codes which may be used to verify that the CR10 receives a file correctly:

^B ^B

(2hex, 2hex)--Discard current buffer


and reset signature

^C ^C

(3hex, 3hex)--Send signature for


current buffer

^D ^D

(4hex, 4hex)--Load current buffer and


reset signature

^E ^E

(5hex, 5hex)--Load current buffer, Exit


and compile program

As a download file is received, the CR10 buffers the data in memory; the data is not loaded into the editor or compiled until the CR10 receives a command to do so. The maximum size of the buffer is 1.5K. The minimum file that could be sent is the program listing, then ^E ^E. ^C ^C tells the CR10 to send the signature (Appendix C.3) for the current buffer of data. If this signature does not match that calculated by the sending device, ^B ^B can be sent to discard the current buffer and reset the signature. If the signature is correct, ^D ^D can be sent to tell the CR10 to load the buffer into the editor and reset the signature. Once the complete file has been

sent and verified, send ^E ^E to compile the program and exit the load command.


The Storage Module and Keyboard/Display or Modem/Terminal must both be connected to the CR10. After keying *D, the command 7N, is entered (N is the Storage Module address 1-8, Section 3.3). Address 1 will work with any Storage Module address. The CR10 will search for the lowest address Storage Module that is connected. The command to save, load, or clear a program and the program number (Table 1.8-2) is entered. After the operation is finished "13:0000" is displayed. Error 96 indicates that the Storage Module is not connected or the wrong address was given.

The datalogger can be programmed on power- up using a Storage Module. Storage Modules can store up to eight separate programs. If a program is stored as program number 8, and if the Storage Module is connected to the datalogger I/O at power-up, program number 8 is down loaded to the datalogger.
