External data storage devices are used to provide a data transfer medium that the user can carry from the test site to the lab and to supplement the internal storage capacity of the CR10, allowing longer periods between visits to the site. The standard data storage peripheral for the CR10 is the Storage Module (Section 4.5). Output to a printer or related device is also possible (Section 4.4).

Data output to a peripheral device can take place ON-LINE (automatically, as part of the CR10's routine operation) or it can be MANUALLY INITIATED. On-line data transfer is accomplished with Instruction 96 (Section 4.1). Manual initiation is done in the *8 Mode (Section 4.2).

The CR10 can output data to multiple peripherals. The CR10 activates the peripheral it sends data to in one of two ways (Section 6.2):

1.A specific pin in the 9-pin connector is dedicated to that peripheral; when that pin goes high, the peripheral is enabled. This is referred to as "PIN-ENABLED" or simply "ENABLED".

2.The peripheral is synchronously addressed by the CR10. This is referred to as "ADDRESSED".

Cassette tape and modems are pin-enabled. Only one cassette recorder and only one modem/terminal device may be connected to the CR10 at any one time.

The SM192 and SM716 Storage Modules are addressed. The CR10 can tell when the addressed device is present. The CR10 will not send data meant for the Storage module if the Storage Module is not present (Section 4.5.2).

The *9 Mode (Section 4.6) allows the user to communicate directly with the Storage Module and to perform several functions, including review of data, battery test, review of Storage Module status, etc.


All on-line data output to a peripheral device is accomplished with Instruction 96. (Instruction 96 can also be used to transfer data from one Final Storage Area to the other, Section 12).

This instruction must be included in the datalogger program for on-line data transfer to take place. Instruction 96 should follow the Output Processing Instructions, but only needs to be included once in the program tables unless both Final Storage areas are in use. The suggested programming sequence is:

1.Set the Output Flag.

2.If both Final Storage Areas are in use or if you wish to set the Output Array ID, enter Instruction 80 (Section 10).

3.Enter the appropriate Output Processing Instructions.

4.Enter Instruction 96 to enable the on-line transfer of Final Storage data to the specified device. If outputting to more than one device, Instruction 96 must be entered separately for each device.

5.Repeat steps 2 through 4 if you wish to output data to the other Final Storage Area and the peripheral.
