
04:P83 If Case Location < F

01:77.3 F



Then Do







02:0 Exponent of 10



Z Loc :

06:P95 End Then Do

07:P95 End of Case Statement

*** 94 ELSE ***


When Command 30 (Then/Else) is used with an If Instruction, the Else Instruction is used to mark the start of the instructions to execute if the test condition is false (Figure 3.8-1). The Else Instruction is optional; when it is omitted, a false comparison will result in execution branching directly to the End Instruction. Instruction 94 has no parameters.

*** 95 END ***


Instruction 95 is used to indicate the end/return of a subroutine (Instruction 85), the end of a loop (Instruction 87), the end of an If Then/Else sequence (Instructions 88-92 when used with command 30), or the end of a Case sequence (Instruction 93). The End Instruction has no parameters.


A single parameter is used to select whether the instruction is to control the tape, "printer", or Storage Module output, and if the printer is selected, the format and baud rate. The Instruction must be entered separately for each device that is to receive output.

If both Final Storage areas are in use, Instruction 96 will send data from the area which is currently active. Final Storage Area 1 is active at the start of each Table. Instruction 80 can be used to change the active area. The Area set by Instruction 80 remains active until changed by another Instruction 80 or the Table ends (at which time Area 1 becomes the active Area 1). Instruction 80 can also direct output to Input Storage, in which case Instruction 96 assumes Final Storage Area 1.

If the CR10 is already communicating on the 9- pin connector when Instruction 96 is executed, the output request is put in a queue and program execution continues. As the 9-pin connector becomes available, each device in the queue will get its turn.

The request is not put in the queue if the same device is already in the queue. The data contained in the queue (and which determine a unique entry) are baud rate (if applicable), and the Final Storage Area. Instruction 98 to send characters also uses this queue.

When an entry reaches the top of the queue, the CR10 sends all data accumulated since the last transfer to the device up to the location of the DSP at the time the device became active (this allows everything in the queue to get a turn even if data is being stored faster than it can be transferred to a particular device).


Instruction 96 is used to activate tape, Storage Module (SM192/SM716 or Card Storage Module), or serial data (printer) output. Normally Instruction 96 is placed in the program table after all Output Instructions have been entered and is executed each time the Table is executed. In this situation any data sent to Final Storage is output as soon as possible. However, by using Program Control Instructions to allow execution of Instruction 96 only at certain times, the user can control when the output device(s) are active. Instruction 96 allows a choice of serial data format and the selection of Addressed or Pin Enabled device for the serial print output.

Tape output code 00 will not activate the tape until at least 512 Final Storage Locations have been stored. Code 09 will cause any data between the TPTR and the DSP (location at time Instruction 96 is executed) to be written to tape. Code 00 is used for most tape applications (Section 4.1).

The "other Final Storage Area" device option (the non-active area) allows a "fast" Final Storage area to be transferred to the main area on some trigger condition so there is some history recorded prior to the trigger condition (Section 8.8).
