The instructions to output the average temperature every 10 minutes are in Table 2 which has an execution interval of 10 seconds. The temperature will be measured 600 times in the 10 minute period, but the average will be the result of only 60 of those measurements because the instruction to average is executed only one tenth as often as the instruction to make the measurement.

Intermediate Processing can be disabled by setting Flag 9 which prevents Intermediate Processing without actually skipping over the Output Instruction (Section 1.2).

All of the Output Processing Instructions store processed data values when and only when the Output Flag is set (Section 1.2). The Output Flag (Flag 0) is set at desired intervals or in response to certain conditions by using an appropriate Program Control Instruction (Section 11).


There are 10 flags which may be used in CR10 programs. Two of the flags are dedicated to specific functions: Flag 0 causes Output Processing Instructions to write to Final Storage, and Flag 9 disables intermediate processing. Flags 1-8 may be used as desired in programming the CR10. Flags 0 and 9 are automatically set low at the beginning of the program table. Flags 1-8 remain unchanged until acted on by a Program Control Instruction or until manually toggled from the *6 Mode.

TABLE 3.7-1. Flag Description

Flag 0


Output Flag

Flag 1 to 8


User Flags

Flag 9


Intermediate Processing



Disable Flag

Flags are set with Program Control Instructions. The Output Flag (Flag 0) and the intermediate programming disable flag (Flag 9) will always be set low if the set high condition fails. The status of flags 1-8 does not change when a conditional test is false.



A group of processed data values is placed in Final Data Storage by Output Processing Instructions when the Output Flag (Flag 0) is set high. This group of data is called an Output Array. The Output Flag is set using Program Control Instructions according to time or event dependent intervals specified by the user. The Output Flag is set low at the beginning of each table.

Output is most often desired at fixed intervals; this is accomplished with Instruction 92, If Time. Output is usually desired on the even interval, so Parameter 1, time into the interval, is 0. The time interval (Parameter 2), in minutes, is how often output will occur; i.e., the Output Interval. The command code (Parameter 3) is 10, causing Flag 0 to be set high. The time interval is synchronized to 24 hour time; output will occur on each integer multiple of the Output Interval starting from midnight (0 minutes). If the Output Interval is not an even divisor of 1440 minutes (24 hours), the last output interval of the day will be less than the specified time interval. Output will occur at midnight and will resume synchronized to the new day. Instruction 92 is followed in the program table by the Output Instructions which define the Output Array desired.

Each group of Output Processing Instructions creating an Output Array is preceded by a Program Control Instruction that sets the Output Flag.

NOTE: If the Output Flag is already set high and the test condition of a subsequent Program Control Instruction acting on Flag 0 fails, the flag is set low. This eliminates entering another instruction to specifically reset the Output Flag before proceeding to another group of Output Instructions with a different output interval.


The Intermediate Processing Disable Flag (Flag

9)suspends intermediate processing when it is set high. This flag is used to restrict sampling for averages, totals, maxima, minima, etc., to times when certain criteria are met. The flag is automatically set low at the beginning of the program table.
