The CR10 Wiring Panel and power supplies require a minimum of routine maintenance.

When not in use, the PS12LA should be stored in a cool, dry environment with the AC charging circuit activated.

The PS12ALK alkaline supply should not drop below 9.6 V before replacement. When not in use, remove the eight cells to eliminate potential corrosion of contact points and store in a cool dry place.

The CR10 module is sealed and contains desiccant to protect against the vagaries of humidity. The Wiring Panel and the connections between the Wiring Panel and the CR10 are still susceptible to humidity. To prevent corrosion at these points, additional desiccant must be placed inside the enclosure. If only alkaline batteries are inside the enclosure, the sensor lead entrance may be plugged to inhibit vapor transfer into the enclosure. Do not plug the entrance if lead acid batteries are present. Hydrogen gas generated by the batteries may build up to an explosive concentration.
