Tape Pointer (TPTR) 2-2Tape recorder

Connecting to CR10 4-4Data format for 4-5Dump data (*8 Mode) 4-3Interrupts during transfer 6-3

Manually initiated data transfer (*8 Mode) 4-3On-line data transfer (Instruction 96) 4-1

TPTR (Tape Pointer) 2-2

Tapes, Recommended 4-4Telecommunication 5-1

Automatic setting of baud rate 5-1Automatic time-out from 5-2Commands 5-3

Key definitions OV-10Password 5-4

Remote keyboard OV-9, 5-4Telecommunication states 5-4with Binary responses C-1

Telecommunications Command OV-10Telecommunications (Modem) Pointer (MPTR) 2-2Temp (107) - [Instruction 11] 9-5

Temp, Module - [Instruction 17] 9-8Temp RTD - [Instruction 16] 9-7Temp TC SE - [Instruction 13] 9-6Temp TC DIFF - [Instruction 14] 9-7Temperature from Platinum R.T.D. -

[Instruction 16] 9-7

Programming examples 7-7, 7-8, 7-10Temperature from thermocouples, See

Thermocouple temperature Temperature of Module - [Instruction 17] 9-7

Programming example OV-13Temperature range, CR10 14-1Terminal emulator OV-9Thermocoule Measurements 13-12Thermocouple Temperature Measurement -

[Instruction 14] 9-7Programming example 7-3

Single-Ended Voltage - [Instruction 13] 9-6Technique/error analysis 13-13

Using an External Reference Junction 7-3Three Wire Half Bridge - [Instruction 7] 9-4

Programming example 7-8Throughput rate, Definition 1-1, A-3Time - [Instruction 18] 9-8

Programming example 8-4Time

Setting/displaying (*5 Mode) 1-2Storing in Final Storage 11-4

Timer - [Instruction 26] 9-13

Timer, see SDM-INT8 8 Channel Interval Tipping Bucket Rain Gage 7-6, 8-6Totalize - [Instruction 72] 11-3

Programming example 8-3


TPTR 2-2

Tutorial OV-1


Use of Digital I/O Ports 14-7User flags 3-3

Using the PC208 Terminal Emulator (GraphTerm) OV-9


Vapor Pressure From Wet-/Dry-Bulb Temperatures - [Instruction 57] 10-5Programming example 12-3

Vehicle power supply 14-5

Vibrating wire, measure sensor, Geokon's 7-15Vibrating Wire Measurement -

[Instruction 28] 9-13Programming example 7-18

Voltage on analog input, excess vii Voltage measurements

Differential 7-2Differential/single-ended OV-3, 13-1Integration 13-1

Ranges/codes and overrange detection 3-2, 9-1Volts (SE) - [Instruction 1] 9-1

Volts (Diff) - [Instruction 2] 9-1


Watchdog reset 3-8WDT-VP - [Instruction 57] 10-5Wind Vector - [Instruction 69] 11-1

Programming example 8-8Wiring Panel

Connecting to vehicle power supply 14-5Description OV-1, 14-5


X * F - [Instruction 37] 10-2Programming example 7-19

X * Y - [Instruction 36] 10-2Programming example 7-22

X + F - [Instruction 34] 10-1

X + Y - [Instruction 33] 10-1Programming example 7-19

X - Y - [Instruction 35] 10-1

X / (1-X), see Bridge Transform - [Instruction 59] X / Y - [Instruction 38] 10-2

X Mod F - [Instruction 46] 10-3XY - [Instruction 47] 10-3