Canon DS700 manual Safety Precautions, Cleaning the printer

Models: DS700

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Safety Precautions

Please read the safety warnings and cautions provided in this manual to ensure that you use your printer safely. Do not attempt to use printer in any way not described in this manual.


You may cause an electric shock/fire or damage the printer if you ignore any of these safety precautions.

Choosing a Location

Do not place the printer close to flammable solvents such as alcohol or thinners.

Power supply

Never attempt to plug in or unplug the printer from the power supply when your hands are




Always push the plug all the way into the power outlet.


Never damage, modify, stretch or excessively bend or twist the power


cord. Do not place heavy objects on the power cord or universal AC




Never plug the printer into a power socket that is shared with other


equipment (extension lead/cord, 2- or 3-way adapter, etc.).


Never use the printer if the power cord is bundled or knotted.


If you detect smoke, unusual smells or strange noises around the printer, immediately unplug


the printer at the power supply and call for service.


Periodically, unplug the printer and use a dry cloth to wipe off any


dust or dirt collected on the plug and the power outlet.


If the printer is placed at a location exposed to a lot of dust, smoke, or


high humidity, the dust collected on the plug absorbs moisture and


may cause insulation failure and fire.

Cleaning the printer

Use a damp cloth to clean the printer. Never use flammable solvents


such as alcohol, benzene or thinners.


If flammable solvents come in contact with electrical components


inside the printer, it could cause a fire or electric shock.


Always unplug the printer from the power outlet before cleaning the printer.


If you accidentally switch the printer on while cleaning it, you could injure yourself or damage


the printer.

Maintaining the

Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the printer. There are no user serviceable parts


inside the printer.


The printer contains high-voltage components. Never attempt any maintenance procedure not


described in this guide.

Working around the

Do not use flammable sprays near the printer.


This could cause a fire or electric shock if the spray comes into contact with electrical


components inside the printer.


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Canon DS700 manual Safety Precautions, Cleaning the printer