Canon DS700 Installing an Ink Tank, Lock the print head into place by lowering the lever, Cap

Models: DS700

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Easy Setup Instructions

5 Lock the print head into place by lowering the lever.

Press down the lock button until it clicks.

Do not touch the lock lever once the print head has been installed.

Installing an Ink Tank


• For safety reasons, store an ink tank out of the reach of small children.

• Do not drop or shake an ink tank as this may cause the ink to leak out and stain your clothes and hands.


Take out the ink tank.


Hold the ink tank as shown in the

Ink ports

diagram and remove the protective





• Do not touch the ink port.


• Do not attempt to reattach the protective


cap once it has been removed.

3 Insert the ink tank slant into the slot aligning the X mark with the W mark.

4 Press the until it clicks into place.

5 Close the cover.


Wait until the preparatory operation is complete: it takes about 80 seconds.


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Canon DS700 manual Installing an Ink Tank, Lock the print head into place by lowering the lever, Take out the ink tank, Cap