Remote Controller
2. Load two new batteries into the case, making sure that their positive (+) and negative
3. Replace the battery cover on the back of the remote controller.
Using the Laser Pointer
The remote controller includes a laser pointer that you can use during a presentation to indicate a specific item within an image. The laser is a 1mW/Class 2 Laser, which qualifies as a “Designated Specified Product” under Japan’s “Consumer Product Safety Law”.
zHolding down the [LASER] key causes a red laser beam to be emitted from the front edge of the remote controller. Use the laser beam to point to the object you want to indicate in the image.
zThe [AF/AK] key lights red while this key is depressed to indicate that the laser beam is being emitted.
zNever look directly at the laser beam. Doing so creates the risk of eye damage and loss of sight.
zNever point the laser beam at another person. Shining the laser Warning beam into the eyes of another creates the risk of eye damage and
loss of sight.
zKeep the remote controller out of the reach of young children, and never allow a young child to operate the remote controller.